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National Provider Network
PCC customizes its provider network to meet the needs of each client. Providers meet strict criteria and agree to follow utilization and peer review guidelines while agreeing to a discounted fee schedule or other reimbursement methodologies. PCC currently contracts with chiropractors throughout the nation.

Utilization Management/Review
While PCC strives to make chiropractic care available to everyone needing it, our utilization management is second to none yet it remains “user friendly”. This reduces costs and insures treatment quality and consistency. All PCC utilization review is performed by licensed chiropractic physicians.

Claims Processing
PCC partners with Infinedi as our claims clearinghouse. Infinedi offers a network discount for our providers to access their multi-faceted line of services. Infinedi can provide services ranging from electronic submission to benefits verification, office management and electronic payments. Infinedi has been endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association and works closely with the ACA to help track utilization data in the chiropractic industry. Through Infinedi Analytics, providers have the opportunity to see trends and patterns in their patient base that can lead to greater efficiencies in their practice management. Visit www.infinedi.net

Provider Support
PCC works closely with our providers to ensure they are given every opportunity to provide effective and efficient care to their patients. This includes support material for the provider and educational material for the patient. PCC is available to conduct short educational seminars for employer or client groups. By providing education and creating an ergonomically sound work environment, a Plan will see chiropractic claims and dollar amounts from medical claims reduced.

Managed Care Contracting
PCC currently contracts with many managed care entities, including PPO’s, EPO’s and HMO’s. We welcome the opportunity to submit a competitive bid for chiropractic services in any area of the managed care market on either a local or national level.