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Vol. 3, November 2006

JANUARY 1, 2007

In an effort to comply with requests from PCC payer networks, all claims submitted through PCC need to be filed electronically beginning January 1, 2007 . PCC has formed an exclusive arrangement with Infinedi to provide this service to our network at a discounted rate. If you have not attended an Infinedi seminar, or signed up for electronic claims submission through Infinedi, please contact the PCC office to find out more information.

The only exceptions for filing paper claims are:

  • ManageMED – They cannot accept electronic claims
  • Secondary Claims – These will need to come to our office along with the primary EOB.


American Healthcare Alliance
American Underwriters Life Insurance
9229 Ward Parkway, Ste 300
Kansas City , MO 64114

Fiserv Health
Zip should be 81002-0520

Fiserv Health
McCall Pattern Company
P.O. Box 520
Pueblo , CO 81002-0520

This payer will drop to paper claims. You can either pay Infinedi $0.50 a claim, or send the claim to PCC to be forwarded at no charge to you.

P.O. Box Should be 182223


An amendment to the Kansas Participating Provider Agreement was mailed to all contracting providers in September. The amendment took effect October 1, 2006 . This amendment addressed Section VI, Bills and Payment and Section VIII, Fees of the agreement. These changes were implemented by the PCC Board of Directors and are a result of changes PCC has made to the way data is collected from the claims submitted by our contracting providers. With our move to electronic claims submission, these changes were necessary to enable PCC to continue to provide accurate and timely data to our contracting payers. If you did not receive a copy of this amendment, or have questions regarding the changes, please contact PCC at your convenience.


Many of you have received correspondence from Prime Health Services, Inc. asking you to join their provider network. There is no need for you to respond to this request since Preferred Chiropractic Care, PA entered into an agreement with Prime Health Services in June, 2006 which makes all contracting providers in PCC a part of the Prime Health Services network.


Q. What does fixed rate per month mean?
A. This is set in place to keep providers from sending a years worth of claims in one month. Please file claims in a timely manner.

Q. Can I only send PCC claims through Infinedi?
A. No. All claims, commercial or private may be filed with Infinedi.

Q. What is the $0.50 per claim about?
A. If at anytime there would be a payer group that cannot accept electronic claims then those claims would be processed by Infinedi for $0.50 a claim. Your office has the right to process these claims or to let Infinedi process the claim.

Q. Will my practice management software interface with Infinedi?
A. In most cases yes. All software questions should be directed to Infinedi.

Q. How soon can I start sending my claims to Infinedi?
A. After you have signed up as a PCC provider with Infinedi, you will receive an email with forms attached
that need to be printed and signed by the doctor for each electronic payer you will be using. This paperwork must be returned to Infinedi before electronic claims can be submitted on your behalf. Please be sure to check your email after you have completed the initial enrollment with Infinedi.


Oct. 1, 2006
Health plans, clearinghouses, and other information support venders should be ready to handle and accept the revised (8/05) Claims Form.

Oct. 1, 2006 – Mar. 31, 2007
Providers can use either the current (OLD) version or the revised (8/05) version of the 1500 Claim Form.

April 1, 2007
The current (OLD) version of the 1500 Claim Form is discontinued; only the revised (8/05) form is to be used. All rebilling of claims should use the revised (8/05) form from this date forward, even though earlier submissions may have been on the current (OLD) 1500 Claim Form.

Jan. 3, 2006 – Jan. 1, 2007
Physicians and suppliers may not report an NPI on a CMS-1500 (OLD) form. Those forms do not contain fields for reporting of NPI numbers. Providers must continue to enter their existing Medicare identification numbers on those (OLD) paper form. Prior to April 1, 2007 , Medicare will reject as unprocessable any claim submitted on a CMS-1500 (OLD) form with an NPI in a provider identification number field.

Jan. 2, 2007- Mar. 31, 2007
Medicare will accept either the CMS-1500 (OLD) or the revised CMS-1500 (8/05) form. CMS-1500 (OLD) forms will continue to be rejected as unprocessable if submitted with one or more NPI’s . NPI’s can be submitted when a revised CMS-1500 (8/05) is submitted, but NPI’s are not yet required on these claims. If one NPI or more is reported on a revised CMS-1500 (8/05), the submitter is strongly encouraged to also submit the Medicare legacy provider identifier that corresponds to each NPI reported on the claim. Failure to report a legacy identifier with an NPI could result in a delay in processing of the claims.

April 1, 2007 – May 22, 2007
Medicare will reject any CMS-1500 (OLD) form received with or without an NPI. Only the revised CMS-1500 (8/05) form will be accepted. An NPI is not yet required on the CMS-1500 (8/05) form, but should be entered if a provider has obtained an NPI. It is still highly recommended that claim submitters enter the Medicare Legacy number that corresponds to each NPI reported on the revised CMS-1500 (8/05) to avoid a possible processing delay.

May 23, 2007 and thereafter
Revised CMS-1500(8/05) forms received without an NPI to identify each provider for which data is reported on a claim, such as a rendering, referring or ordering physician, in addition to the billing provider, will be rejected by Medicare.

This group is no longer accessing PCC for chiropractic

Should an insurance company ask for further documentation i.e.: insurance card, SOAP notes, or EOBs, please
send that information straight to the
company asking for this information. PCC does not need to receive this first
unless we are the ones requesting it.


Office Closed
November 23
November 24
December 25
January 1

The PCC staff would
like to wish everyone
a safe and happy
holiday season

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to
please everybody.

Bill Cosby,
Actor, Comedian
(b. 1937)


PCC is receiving claims from Infinedi that have been dropped to paper due to improper coding. Please make sure all PCC claims have a PF number attached to the top of the mail address line before filing with Infinedi. If you do not have the PF number, these claims will drop to paper from Infinedi. Please see example for clarification.


Vol. 1, April 2006
Vol. 2, July 2006